Dear readers, the Network Law Review is delighted to present you with this month’s guest article by Axel Gautier, Professor at the Department of Economics of HEC Liege, University of Liège. *** Over the last two decades, the largest digital platforms have experienced incredible growth, reaching millions of users, developing many new products and technologies, and collecting enormous profits. This process builds upon both internal and external growth. Indeed, to develop their digital ecosystem, the main platforms have massively acquired other...





Reading suggestions – September 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions: topics include digital refusals to deal, antitrust litigation against academic publishers,...

Richard N. Langlois: “Memes and Myths of Antitrust”

Dear readers, the Network Law Review is delighted to present you with this month’s guest article by Richard N. Langlois, Professor...

Competition Law Without Policy (and Competition Policy Without Law)

Reading the judgment of the European Court of Justice in the Google Shopping case made me sad. My main objection...

Antitrust and Digital Refusals to Deal

Welcome to “Tech Monopoly,” a series where University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School professor Herbert Hovenkamp engages with pressing issues...

Reading suggestions – August 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions on the Commission guidelines on exclusionary abuses, the myth of lax...

“J’accuse!” – Four Deadly Sins of the Commission’s Draft Guidelines on Exclusionary Abuses

Just as we were ready to go on our summer holidays, or even after some of us had already left,...

In Praise of World Controllers: For A World Without Change

Context: In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the World State is governed by ten men known as World Controllers. They...

Reading suggestions – July 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions on neo-brandeisians, privacy and antitrust, killer acquisitions, the AI Act impact...

Zephyr Teachout: “The Long Future of the Neo-Brandeisian Movement, in Three Parts”

The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “The Future of the Neo-Brandeis Movement”, asking experts the...

EU Competition Law

By Makis Komninos




Academics Only

Crane's Cartel

By Daniel Crane


By Catalina Goanta

Antitrust Antidote

By Koren W. Wong-Ervin