The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “The Future of the Neo-Brandeis Movement”, asking...
The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “The Future of the Neo-Brandeis Movement”, asking...
The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “The Future of the Neo-Brandeis Movement”, asking experts the following question: will the neo-Brandeis movement have a lasting impact on antitrust law? This contribution is signed by Zephyr Teachout (Fordham University). The entire symposium is edited by Thibault Schrepel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Anouk van der Veer (European University Institute). *** Introduction The neo-Brandeisian movement is frequently misunderstood as a modern movement, and although there are good reasons to...
The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “The Future of the Neo-Brandeis Movement”, asking...
The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “The Future of the Neo-Brandeis Movement”, asking...





Reading suggestions – June 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions on neo-brandesians, digital tying, innovation networks, AI’s persuasive power, scaling plurality,...

Jonathan M. Barnett: “The Antitrust Revolution That Mostly Wasn’t and Probably Won’t Be”

The Network Law Review is pleased to present a symposium entitled “The Future of the Neo-Brandeis Movement”, asking experts the...

Wolf Sauter: “The Impact of the Neo-Brandeis Movement on Antitrust: A Sceptical View”

I am writing this contribution from the perspective of a European, more specifically Dutch, perspective as an academic and public...

Latin Antitrust Chronicles: January-June 2024

Welcome to the Latin Antitrust Chronicles – a series covering some of the most relevant developments in competition law in...

Antitrust Antidote: March-May 2024

There were a number of decisions from April-May 2024, covering topics such as (1) the use of the SSNIP test...

Reading suggestions – May 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions on the openness of AI models, populism in antitrust, antitrust myths,...

A New Measure For GenAI Competition

This short article serves as an introduction to the working paper by Thibault Schrepel and Jason Pott entitled “Measuring the...

Reading suggestions – April 2024

Here are the Network Law Review’s monthly reading suggestions on computational antitrust, the DMA, Microsoft, open-source AI, the evolution of...

Antitrust Usage and the Secret Handshake

Welcome to Crane’s Cartel, a trimonthly series where University of Michigan law professor Daniel Crane engages in hard-core mind-fixing. ****...

EU Competition Law

By Makis Komninos




Academics Only

Crane's Cartel

By Daniel Crane


By Catalina Goanta

Antitrust Antidote

By Koren W. Wong-Ervin